Monday, March 29, 2010

Welcome to the beginning of my new life. New in the sense that I have taken on a new way of thinking and doing. Those that know me are aware of my "live life to the fullest attitude". Goals and dreams are part of my everyday life and I only hope that others live that way as well.

Part of my growth has to do with my work of 15yrs with children in the field of pediatrics,cancer,blood disorder and bone marrow transplant. There are no words to describe how this will challenge your everday life but I choose to use all my experiences good or bad to make my life more profitable for others. Familes,friends,patients and co-workers throughout my career have given me experiences,influence and hope that have now turned into passion for me.

This is my first blog to just get my thougts going and hopefully spark some inspriation from many that have impacted my life through out my career. So this is a thank you to all of you for all and any impact you have had on who I have and will become as a person.