Thursday, January 20, 2011

Gone Too Long

This is going to be a really quick blog but very important. I have been away from my thoughts too long and today is the day to restart my fire. So much has changed in my life this past year and I welcome all the challenges with open arms.

My first big excitement is I found a net work or small group to share a book i have been wanting to read for years . Its Battlefield of the Mind by Joyce Meyer. If any of you know who she is youll be excited. If you dont and you look her up youll be in for a life changing treat.

Im welcoming anyone that is brave enough to look inside yourself and want change in their actions,life outcomes and over all happiness. Coming from a big italian family we have alot of competition and pride. It has controlled my emotions for years and now Im trying to learn how to let me control my emotions instead of the other way around. So please check out our blog and join in and be ready to change!!!

I hope your new year is all you wished it to be and if not try to find out why. Start a journal, volunteer and give back and see what is returned to you. God Bless and until next time be safe

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

so sorry ive been away...

Im sorry to say my computer is on the outs...all my beautiful picutures are stuck in the hard drive and Im waiting to get them please stay tuned for when they are free for expression. Until then reach for the stars and keep on reaching!

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Life in The Gulf

I have been fortunate to play in the surf in the waters of the gulf before the oil caught up with us. This is one of many of the sting rays that were floating along with us on memorial day in the calm waters of Pensacola Beach. Such an amazing animal to watch and be in ahh of but not to be afriad of. We were at peace with these creatures as they swam in the waves with us and around us at our feet. Have you ever wondered what they think of us swimming in their homes and shuffling our feet through their nap time. Im sure they would have something interesting to say about it. This is just one of the many creatures we experience in life in the ocean and its really a blessing to be a part of it.

Just remember to take lifes beautiful experiences and drink them all in for what they are.. A beautiful experience that is good for the soul. Cheers to the gulf coast and all that are effected.

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Postitive Thought for the Gulf of Mexico

Remember the days of getting off to school and feeling the change in the seasons? Running around outside just because its a little bit warmer out with that crisp clean smell in the air.That has started to happen here in Pensacola Florida where I do reside at the moment. The flowers are out the birds are all chatting to one another about who gets what tree. It is truly a magnificent part of life to watch unfold.Today my writings will surround that very important part of life which is personally my sanity. Everything we do will effect this greatly and determine how well the hatchlings get to the sea or how will all those animals get from one end of the world to the next. Nature is truly a mystery and a blessing to be a part of.
Which now that I live in the Gulf of Mexico has a direct effect on what is going on around me. Yes the oil spill that is slowly pumping into our ocean. It does happen all over the world and everything eventually does work its way out. I only write this for awareness that we all effect every part of this world and whats in it.
I would like to make a personal promise to try and ride my Schwinn mountain bike when ever possible with a helmet of course to reduce the gas I use. I'm hoping walking or riding my bike a bit more will not only reduce the gas I use but hey my bum will look great too!!! Wow look at all the possibilities out there if I just try to be creative. Not only will my "if its yellow let it mellow,if its brown flush it down" method help out but now I can try to use less resources. Brilliant!! (photo by my
Hopefully this will help all of you to think of one less way to use oil and give our world a break. Don't forget about the good looking bum either!!! The creatures that we love to watch will appreciate it! (photo by my
(photo by

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

The Mighty Fish Slayer

This Saturday morning began as any other with a plan to do something fun and today it was surf fishing with some great friends. This usually entails alot of chatter and preparation to get to the beach. How many fish will we bring home and what will we have for dinner are always in my mind. Which is however the complete opposite of my boyfriends ideas. His mind wonders what will the "Fish Slayer" get today. That is what he proclaims himself right before we get ready to head out.

So everyone gears up and heads out with the hope to catch "the big one" and be the hero. The setting of the beach today was overcast,misty and windy enough for Dorthy to make it back to Kansas but that didn't stop us. We started by setting up our base camp for the fishing to begin with chairs here and there,buckets ready and bait for everyone.Lines were set out even though the wind was a challenge and the games began.

Who is going to catch the first fish?? To our surprise two of the lines were in business at the same time. One caught a salt water catfish the other a whiting. Either way it allowed the fish slayer to declare that his drought was over. For our viewing pleasure I have caught the action on video.

Once the day starts out like this it just keeps getting better. So thanks to friends that came with us to witness the daily joy we have with the fish slayer in our lives. Hope you are the lucky one next time to experience this live in person.

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Food Is Art

Cooking and cleaning may not sound like your greatest cup of tea but realizing its an art gives cooking a whole new light. Once a house hold chore for stay at home mom's has now exploded into an empire for people to express themselves. Personally once a great bottle of vino is open and a recipe is chosen there is no stopping the creativity. Learning to cook from mom was pretty tough seeing how she was never taught from a recipe we only had our memory. Tough Job!

We have taken on adventures of stuffing squid,home made ravioli's and much more as a family. Most of you that know me can attest that its pretty darn good. No one ever leaves hungry. Now the art of photography comes into play and creates another avenue with our greatest creations.

Most of the preparation that goes into making a dish goes to the presentation and what will it look like to others? Ive dedicated this blog to some of the food photos taken at the final moment. Hope you enjoy them and make sure you have a snack in case you get hungry. Manja!

Vegetable Fritata,seasoned roasted potatoes and honey drizzled bananas

Crab claws sauteed in butter and garlic,sauteed white beans and red onion,mushroom crochets and sauteed spinach with garlic

Good ole home made cheese pizza on the pizza stone